The Blue Gracias

The Blue Gracias Open Air Art Market is all about discovering, capturing, creating, and then supplying fine and rustic pieces of work. She is smack dab in the middle of the little town of Topsail Beach, NC. A dream of two sisters, Elizabeth and Julie, brought to light out of a great desire to create, spread joy, and better the environment.

Inside this little shop you will find original artwork, paintings, encaustics, whimsical creations, vintage and antique pieces, as well as home décor. With concern about our planet and her oceans, we do our best to stay in line with the sustainable model—the majority of the items available in the store will be created from objects, elements, and goods that are gifted to us from the earth; things made of recycled glass, fibers, wood, beeswax, and other natural substances. There will be straw, leather, pearls, turquoise, and other precious stones all assembled in original designs to adorn and complement the customer. We will have soft cool white cotton, linen, silk, and flax clothing (for the candid beach photos), colorful silk scarves, then off season handknit wool sweaters to block the icy sea breezes. Keep in mind most items in the store have had a former life, and by bringing them back we save the planet one piece at a time. 

The shop opened July 22, 2021. Store hours vary depending on weather, creative inspiration, and availability. Appointments can always be made in advance.

If you happen to be walking on the beach and come across litter that shouldn’t be there, please toss it in the trash. We are truly blessed with this beautiful world.